Amalfi Coast Gems Tour with Positano, Pontone and Ravello

Amalfi Coast Gems Tour with Positano, Pontone and Ravello

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Perustuu 360 arvioon
Ilmainen peruutus
Kieli: English
Mobiililippu hyväksytään
Kesto: min. 8 tuntia
  • Discover one of Italy's most beautiful coastlines on a guided tour
  • Visit three Amalfi Coast gems – Positano, Pontone and Ravello
  • Tuck into an authentic local lunch at a family-owned restaurant
  • Get more of a personal touch with this full day, small group tour
  • Expert local guide with unrivalled knowledge of the Amalfi Coast
Retken kuvaus

A real feast for the senses awaits you on the Amalfi Coast. In a small group, you'll make your way from village to village by bus, glimpsing the sea at the end of twisting lanes and soaking up the sheer beauty of this world-famous destination. Discover the glamour of Positano and the panorama from lofty Ravello with a hilltop lunch in between. Francesca, one of our expert local guides, says, ‘For me, the real Amalfi Coast is best experienced in the villages perched high above the sea. This is where you can see the magic of these steep mountains covered in lemon groves, tumbling down to the blue waves below.'

This tour features a more personal touch. First up, you'll stop in the cliff-hugging village of Positano, where each house seems to be stacked upon the next. This splendid ensemble of colourful houses clinging to the mountainside is one of Italy's classic sights. After a short tour, enjoy some free time before we set off for lunch in a family-owned restaurant located in the hilltop village of Pontone. Francesa adds, ‘Pontone is one of my favourite places on the Amalfi Coast because it's the oldest village in the region, and it's still so authentic – a little-known gem with epic views.'

And last but not least, you'll head to ravishing Ravello, where your guide will show you around the village with its ornate Duomo dating back to the 11th century and a clutch of sumptuous villas with incredible views along the coast. After your guided tour, you'll have free time to explore.

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Retken hintaan sisältyy
  • check Transport
  • check Guide
  • check Lunch
Muistettavat asiat
  • Not suitable for wheelchairs
  • Admissions not included
  • Bring suitable footwear
  • Subject to weather conditions
  • Not suitable for those with reduced mobility
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Perustuu 360 varmennettuun asiakasarvioon











  • AdeleT

    Asuinpaikka Yhdistynyt Kuningaskunta - lokakuu 2024

    Matkusti yksin


    35 - 44 vuoden ikäinen

    Erittäin hyvä



    The whole experience was great apart from the lunch which was included. Very basic and not very inspiring at all….somewhat akin to a school dinner. I ...

  • David

    Asuinpaikka Yhdysvallat - lokakuu 2024

    Matkusti puolison kanssa


    45 - 54 vuoden ikäinen

    Erittäin hyvä



    Our guide Valentin was excellent, very knowledgeable and helpful. Good to get to Positano early to avoid the crowds. Would have liked more time at Rav ...

  • Lizzie65

    Asuinpaikka Yhdysvallat - lokakuu 2024

    Matkusti puolison kanssa


    35 - 44 vuoden ikäinen

    Erittäin hyvä



    This was a fantastic, easy way to see the Amalfi coast. The driver Francesco was excellent and a superb driver on these very tricky mountain roads. He ...

  • Trobin

    Asuinpaikka Yhdistynyt Kuningaskunta - lokakuu 2024

    Matkusti puolison kanssa


    45 - 54 vuoden ikäinen

    Erittäin hyvä



  • Tracey

    Asuinpaikka Yhdysvallat - lokakuu 2024

    Matkusti puolison kanssa


    35 - 44 vuoden ikäinen

    Erittäin hyvä



    Enjoyed Ravello. Lunch was disappointing, given the time to get to the restaurant and the food and drink quality, we would have preferred to skip th ...

  • Sharon

    Asuinpaikka Yhdistynyt Kuningaskunta - lokakuu 2024

    Matkusti puolison kanssa


    45 - 54 vuoden ikäinen

    Erittäin hyvä



    We absolutely loved this tour! Our guide Rosella and driver Pasquale were outstanding! We loved Positano, thought the lunch at Pontone was good and Ra ...

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Ilmainen peruutus
