Ting at foretage sig på Zion National Park
Grundlagt i 1919 er Zion National Park den ældste af Utahs "Mighty Five" nationalparker. Fra slående røde klippeformationer til maleriske floddale, og kløfter, seværdighederne og landskaberne i Zion er pakket til randen med betagende udsigt.
Parkens tårnende røde klippeformationer blev dannet for over 100 millioner år siden af Virgin-floden, der skærer gennem sandstenen af det sydvestlige Utah. Menneskelivet her daterer sig tilbage 8000 år siden, da den ørkenagtige jord var beboet af nomadiske indfødte indianske stammer.
En af de mest spektakulære klippeformationer i parken er Towers of Virgin. Besøg i løbet af solopgangen for at se en magisk fremstilling af farver og lys, der reflekteres af den enorme klippe. Virkelig betagende! Ellers find vej til Kolob Arch, en af verdens største naturlige buer.
Zion byder på aktiviteter for hele familien, især dem, der elsker eventyr. Klippeklatring, mountainbiking, vandring og kanosejlads er blot nogle af de aktiviteter, du kan deltage i under et besøg her. Opdag Angels Landing, en 2,5 mils vandring, der vil præsentere dig for en udsigt over Zion Canyon, der er for god til at være sand.
Det bedste tidspunkt at besøge Zion National Park er i løbet af forårets måneder (april og maj) eller i løbet af efteråret (september og oktober). Vejret er normalt varmt, mellem -1 og 30 grader, og optimalt til at vove sig gennem parken. At besøge denne perle af en nationalpark i Utah vil være en oplevelse at huske.
Vores anbefalinger Zion National Park

Zion and Bryce National Park 2-day tour with lodging
Book your overnight Bryce and Zion Canyon national park tour today and explore Utah's red sandstone cliffs, Emerald Pool and visit the hoodoos.
en, it, fr, es, de

Bryce Canyon and Zion National Parks tour from Las Vegas
Enjoy spectacular mountains, canyons, hoodoos and red rocks on the Bryce Canyon and Zion National Parks tour from Las Vegas. Buy your tour today!

Bryce Canyon and Zion Park small group tour from Las Vegas
Explore Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon during a full-day tour from Las Vegas.

Ultimate Utah National Parks bundle self-guided driving tour
Explore Utah's Arches National Park, Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon, and more with this self-driving audio tour. Book now!

Zion and Bryce National Park 2-day tour with lodging
Book your overnight Bryce and Zion Canyon national park tour today and explore Utah's red sandstone cliffs, Emerald Pool and visit the hoodoos.
en, it, fr, es, de

Bryce Canyon and Zion National Parks tour from Las Vegas
Enjoy spectacular mountains, canyons, hoodoos and red rocks on the Bryce Canyon and Zion National Parks tour from Las Vegas. Buy your tour today!

Bryce Canyon and Zion Park small group tour from Las Vegas
Explore Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon during a full-day tour from Las Vegas.

Ultimate Utah National Parks bundle self-guided driving tour
Explore Utah's Arches National Park, Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon, and more with this self-driving audio tour. Book now!

Zion National Park tour from Las Vegas
Get inspired by the natural beauty of Zion National Park on this day tour!

Zion and Bryce National Park 2-day tour with camping
Book your Zion and Bryce National Park 2-day tour with camping and explore the sand dunes, red sandstone cliffs and hoodoos of Zion and Bryce Canyon.
en, it, fr, es, de

Zion National Park self-driving audio tour
See what Zion National Park has to offer, learn about the human history of the park, from the ancient tribes to the Mormon settlers, and discover natural wonders.

Bryce Canyon and Zion day tour from Las Vegas
Combine your visit to Bryce Canyon and Zion in one tour, for a day of spectacular sightseeing!
Sådan kommer du derhen

Zion National Park
Las Vegas
Amerikas Forenede Stater
Anmeldelser Zion National Park