Campania ArteCard 365 Lite with 34 Entry Passes and 4 Audio Guides
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Campania ArteCard 365 Lite with 34 Entry Passes and 4 Audio Guides

Mobiililippu hyväksytään
Voimassaolo: Joustava
  • Gain access to a diverse range of museums, archaeological sites, and attractions, for a total of 34 attractions
  • Experience renowned locations like Pompeii, Herculaneum, and the Royal Palaces of Caserta and Naples
  • Receive a link to download audio guides for the above 4 major sites directly onto your smartphone
Retken kuvaus

Delight in your exploration of Naples and the Campania region with Artecard 365 Lite, your key to unlocking a diverse range of museums, archaeological sites and the finest attractions this region has to offer.

With the ArteCard 365 Lite, you have the freedom to create your own journey, enjoying one complimentary entry at each site included on the card over a year. This includes renowned locations such as the Archaeological Parks of Pompeii and Herculaneum, the Royal Palaces of Caserta and Naples, the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, Paestum and many more.

The ArteCard 365 Lite is not just a pass but a golden ticket valid for 365 days. Plus, you'll receive a link to download audio guides directly onto your smartphone and enjoy an immersive experience at the Archaeological Parks of Pompeii and Herculaneum, as well as the Royal Palaces of Caserta and Naples.

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Retken hintaan sisältyy
  • check Pääsymaksut
  • check Ääniopastus
  • check Useita sisäänkäyntejä
  • check Monipäiväinen passi
Retken hintaan ei sisälly
  • x_not_included Jononohitusliput
  • x_not_included Retkiopas
Show your card at the entrance of each single attraction.
Muistettavat asiat

Know in advance:

  • The Campania ArteCard 365 Lite has a 1-year validity. The card is personal and non-transferable and is activated upon the first access to a cultural site within the ArteCard network. Once the first entrance is validated, the 1-year validity starts. You must then validate the card at the entrance of each site, and, if requested, show it to the staff
  • The Campania ArteCard 365 Lite Young is only valid for customers from 18 to 24 years old from the EU and from non-EU countries under reciprocal conditions (see ministerial rules). Admission to state museums, monuments, galleries and archaeological sites is free for all EU citizens under the age of 18
  • The ArteCard network includes 34 sites in Naples and all the Campania region. In Naples, it will give you access to: the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, the Madre – Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Donnaregina, the Royal Palace of Naples, the Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte, the Certosa e Museo di San Martino, the Museo Diego Aragona Pignatelli Cortes, the Museo Duca di Martina, the Museo Civico di Castel Nuovo, Castel Sant'Elmo, and to the Complesso Monumentale Donnaregina – Museo Diocesano di Napoli. It then includes access to the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, the Archaeological Park of Herculaneum, the Oplontis Archaeological Site and the Antiquarium di Boscoreale in the Vesuvian archaeological excavation area. You'll also find in the newtwork the Archaeological Park of Terme di Baia, the Archaeological Museum of Phlegrean Fields in the Castle of Baia, the Flavian Amphitheater, the Archaeological Park of Cuma; Caserta and Ancient Capua's Royal Palace of Caserta, Archaeological Museum of the Ancient Capua, Amphiteather Campano, Mitreo, Real Sito di Carditello; the Museum and Archaeological Park of Paestum; the National Archaeological Museum Marcello Gigante di Buccino in Salerno; Cilento's Certosa di Padula, Archaeological Park of Elea Velia, Pertosa Caves; the Museo del Sannio, the Museo Arcos, the Hortus Conclusus, the Area Archeologica Arco del Sacramento, the Teatro Romano di Benevento, and the Museo Diocesano with the Percorso Ipogeo in Benevento
  • The Pompeii Express ticket is included with your Campania ArteCard, excluding the route from Porta Ercolano to the Suburban Villas (i.e. Villa of the Mysteries and Villa of Diomedes). These sites can be visited with an additional ticket to buy on the spot
  • Check your voucher after booking to receive instructions on how to download the audio guides for the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, the Archaeological Park of Herculaneum, the Royal Palace of Caserta and the Royal Palace of Naples, directly on your smartphone
  • The audio guides are only available in: English, Italian, Spanish, French, and German for the Archaeological Park of Pompeii; English, Italian, Spanish and French for the Archaeological Park of Herculaneum; English, Italian, Spanish, French, German, and Chinese for the Royal Palace of Caserta; English, Italian, Spanish, French, and German for the Royal Palace of Naples
  • Before visiting, please check the website of each site for up-to-date information regarding opening days and times

Remember to bring:

  • A valid ID for visiting the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, where individual visitors will receive a single ticket with their name after identity verification. For family groups, at least one member of the group must present an ID at the ticket office to receive a collective ticket
  • Bring your own headphones or earbuds to listen to the audio guides
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