Renaissance treasures walking tour with Da Vinci's Last Supper
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Renaissance treasures walking tour with Da Vinci's Last Supper

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Perustuu 57 arvioon
Ilmainen peruutus
Kieli: English
Mobiililippu hyväksytään
Kesto: max. 2 tuntia
  • Enjoy skip-the-line tickets to admire the Last Supper, Leonardo Da Vinci's masterpiece
  • Visit the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, the Cloister of the Frogs and the imposing Bramante’s tribune
  • Admire the Church of San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore and Sforza Castle
Retken kuvaus

Take part in this 2-hour walking tour and immerse yourself in the Renaissance side of Milan. Start with the marvelous UNESCO-listed Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, a true architectural masterpiece designed by Bramante. You will then visit the Dominican convent where Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper is kept. Skip the lines and be enchanted by this iconic painting while your guide unveils some details about its composition, the use of perspective, colors and much more.

Then you'll discover a hidden gem of the city, the Church of San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore, which dates back to the 16th century. Considered the 'Sistine Chapel of Milan', it is one of the most beautiful and refined artistic jewels of the city. Let yourself be overwhelmed by these spectacular masterpieces of the Renaissance!

Continue the tour to the imposing Castello Sforzesco, a Renaissance courtyard surrounded by the enchanting Parco Sempione. You will cross the Clock Tower, symbol of Milan, and walk through the Cortile delle Armi. You will discover all the secrets of the Sforza and the reasons that led this family to introduce Leonardo, who lived at the Castle for decades as a guest, to the court.

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Retken hintaan sisältyy
  • check 2-hour walking tour of Milan
  • check Expert guide
  • check Audio headsets (if more than 5 people)
  • check Skip-the-line tickets to the Last Supper
  • check Priority access to the Church of San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore

Piazza di Santa Maria delle Grazie, 1, 20123 Milano MI, Italy

Meet your guide in front of the entrance to the Last Supper.
Muistettavat asiat
  • All participants must bring a valid form of ID (e.g. passport, driver’s license, identity card, student card, etc)
  • Children up to the age of 1 do not need a reservation if they are carried by a parent and enter without a stroller
  • Due to security measures bags of any size, food and drinks are NOT allowed in the Museum. If necessary, your guide will escort you to the security lockers to leave them during check-in
  • Please wear comfortable shoes. During hot days, it is recommended to wear a hat to protect from the sun
  • On this tour, some of the venues or parts of them could be subject to last-minute, unpredictable closures. If this occurs, we offer the customers an extended visit of the outside and/or of other attractions according to the advertised total length of the tour
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Retken tarjoaja
Wander Italy Srl
Hyviä uutisia! Tähän varaukseen ei kuulu lisämaksuja.
Saat 100% hyvityksen, jos peruutat viimeistään 24 tuntia ennen kuin aktiviteetti alkaa.

Miten ihmiset ovat arvioineet elämyksen

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Perustuu 57 varmennettuun asiakasarvioon

  • Anonyymi

    Asuinpaikka Yhdysvallat - toukokuu 2024

    Erittäin hyvä



    The Last Supper was much bigger and more vibrant than I could ever have imagined.

  • Anonyymi

    Asuinpaikka Yhdysvallat - lokakuu 2023

    Erittäin hyvä



    El guía excelente!

  • Anonyymi

    Asuinpaikka Yhdysvallat - maaliskuu 2023

    Erittäin hyvä



    The Last Supper is an amazing painting and our guide presented detailed and interesting information about the creation and structure of the painting, ...

  • Anonyymi

    Asuinpaikka Argentiina - helmikuu 2023

    Erittäin hyvä



  • Anonyymi

    Asuinpaikka Saksa - helmikuu 2023

    Erittäin hyvä



    Sehr guter Service, sehr gute Führung.

  • Anonyymi

    Asuinpaikka Italia - tammikuu 2023

    Erittäin hyvä



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