Duomo Cathedral guided tour for small groups
Nähtävyydet ja opastetut retket

Duomo Cathedral guided tour for small groups

Erittäin hyvä
Perustuu 11 arvioon
Ilmainen peruutus
Kieli: English, Italian
Mobiililippu hyväksytään
Kesto: 1 tunti 30 minuuttia
  • Discover the majestic Duomo of Milan with an expert guide
  • Skip the long line at the entrance and visit the cathedral with a small group of people
  • Admire the symbol of Milan and get an incredible view of the city
Retken kuvaus

Embark on a guided tour as you ascend to the terrace of the Milan Duomo Cathedral, skipping the line with your exclusive ticket. This elevated experience not only offers breathtaking views but also grants you swift access to one of Milan's most iconic attractions. Once you reach the terrace, you'll see how the city's bustling streets, historic landmarks, and modern skyscrapers converge into a tapestry of sights that's truly awe-inspiring.

After your time on the terrace, the tour continues as you venture into the heart of the cathedral itself. Led by the guide, you'll learn about the cathedral's storied past, from its construction to the present day, and uncover the secrets held within its walls. Discover the perfect balance of naves, columns, and stained-glass windows in this unbelievably intricate construction. Learn about the elaborate and stunning interior decoration that took more than 10 centuries to complete.

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Retken hintaan sisältyy
  • check Guided tour
  • check Duomo skip the line entrance ticket

Via Carlo Maria Martini, 1, Milan, Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy

The guide will be in Via Carlo Maria Martini, 1 , Milan, behind the Duomo by the kiosk holding a yellow sign with "TOUR" written.
Muistettavat asiat
  • Minors must be accompanied by an adult
  • This tour is guaranteed with a minimum number of 2 participants
  • Please remember that you have to follow a precise dress code for the Duomo entrance: shoulders, knees and thighs need to be covered so please avoid short dresses, tank tops, shorts and hats (for men). It is not allowed to enter with large bags, animals, weapons, lighters and scissors
  • Please note that the tour includes access by elevator to the Duomo terraces while the descent will be by foot. Consider that there will be some stairs
  • Please arrive at the meeting point 10 minutes in advance
  • In case of delay, contact the emergency number, which will be provided on your voucher. Without any previous communication, the tour will start and no refund can be guaranteed
  • Please note that due to a possible overcrowding inside the Cathedral and its terrace, the tour may last 30 minutes longer
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Retken tarjoaja
Ways tours
Hyviä uutisia! Tähän varaukseen ei kuulu lisämaksuja.
Saat 100% hyvityksen, jos peruutat viimeistään 24 tuntia ennen kuin aktiviteetti alkaa.

Miten ihmiset ovat arvioineet elämyksen

Erittäin hyvä


Perustuu 11 varmennettuun asiakasarvioon









Value for money


  • Anonyymi

    Asuinpaikka Yhdysvallat - syyskuu 2023

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  • Anonyymi

    Asuinpaikka Italia - kesäkuu 2023




  • Anonyymi

    Asuinpaikka Yhdysvallat - maaliskuu 2023

    Erittäin hyvä



    La signora che ci ha fatto da guida è stata eccezionale: passione e competenza! È stata una visita molto piacevole e molto interessante grazie alla gu ...

  • Anonyymi

    Asuinpaikka Yhdistynyt Kuningaskunta - joulukuu 2022

    Erittäin hyvä



    The cathedral architecture of the outside is impressive and grand inside. Andrea told us facts about Duomo that you cannot find in any guide book so I ...

  • Anonyymi

    Asuinpaikka Italia - marraskuu 2022




    Ottima guida, anche se mi sarei aspettata una maggiore permanenza proprio all’interno del Duomo

  • Alison

    Asuinpaikka Saksa - lokakuu 2022

    Matkusti ystävien kanssa


    45 - 54 vuoden ikäinen

    Erittäin hyvä



    Wir hatten das Glück die Führung zu zweit machen zu können. Der Guide ist auf unsere Fragen eingegangen und konnte auch noch deutsch sprechen, obwohl ...

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