Best of Florence walking tour with Uffizi Gallery visit
Nähtävyydet ja opastetut retket

Best of Florence walking tour with Uffizi Gallery visit

Perustuu 2 arvioon
Ilmainen peruutus
Kieli: English, Spanish
Mobiililippu hyväksytään
Kesto: Joustava
  • Explore the best of Florence at a very special price
  • Visit the Uffizi Gallery skipping the lines at the ticket office
  • Save your precious time to dedicate it to your visit
  • Admire the Allegory of Spring and the Birth of Venus by Botticelli
Retken kuvaus

Explore the most important sites of Florence with this amazing guided walking tour! Visit both the religious and the political heart of the city center, including San Lorenzo, Piazza del Duomo, Piazza Signoria, Palazzo Vecchio and much more.

Take a walk in one of the most famous museums in the world led by your expert Guide. Discover the secrets of “Venus” and “The Spring” by Botticelli, together with world-known masterpieces by Michelangelo, Leonardo, and other important artists.

Your guided tour ends at the Uffizi Terrace where you can enjoy an amazing and exclusive view of the city’s most important monuments.

Once the guided tour is over, it is possible to stay in the museum.

Lue lisää
Retken hintaan sisältyy
  • check Professional guide
  • check Uffizi Gallery entrance fee with booking (skip the line)
  • check Earphones for a minimum of 6 people at the Museum
  • check Lunch (if option is selected at check-out)
Retken hintaan ei sisälly
  • x_not_included Drinks
  • x_not_included Gratuities
  • x_not_included Hotel pick-up/drop-off

Caffè Firenze, Via de' Martelli, 9, 50122, Florence, Italy

Please meet your guide in front of Caffè Firenze, at the corner of Via dei Pucci, 15 minutes before the tour departure.
Muistettavat asiat
  • Please wear comfortable walking shoes
  • The local guide service in Spanish is guaranteed with a minimum of 4 people
  • Please note that if the lunch option is selected for children 0-5 years old, lunch is to be paid for at the restaurant
  • Please note drinks are not included on the lunch menu and will be paid at the restaurant
Lue lisää
Retken tarjoaja
Hyviä uutisia! Tähän varaukseen ei kuulu lisämaksuja.
Saat 100% hyvityksen, jos peruutat viimeistään 48 tuntia ennen kuin aktiviteetti alkaa.

Miten ihmiset ovat arvioineet elämyksen



Perustuu 2 varmennettuun asiakasarvioon

  • Anonyymi

    Asuinpaikka Yhdysvallat - tammikuu 2016

    Erittäin hyvä



    I liked everything about this tour. The coach ride up into the hills was stunning. The walking was perfect. The Uffizi extraordinary. I don't remem ...

  • Anonyymi

    Asuinpaikka Italia - joulukuu 2015




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